Checkups for your child


Regular checkups It’s important for your child to get regular checkups. You can help keep your child healthy by taking him to the doctor regularly. These visits are called “well-child visits” because your child is healthy, not sick.

Taking your child to the doctor You need to take him to the doctor when he is:
• 3 years old
• 4 years old
• and every year after that

What will happen? Each time you take your child for a well-child check up,
• the doctor or nurse will ask you questions about how your child is doing.
• the doctor or nurse will measure and weigh your child.
• the doctor will listen to his heart and his lungs.
• the doctor will tell you what to expect as your child grows older.
• the doctor will give you suggestions about ways to keep him healthy.

Shots Shots are important! The doctor or nurse will give your child shots at most well-child visits. Your child will need certain shots before kindergarten. Read more about shots here>>

Questions Your doctor will ask you lots of questions about your child. It’s important to be honest with your doctor.

You and your doctor Become a partner with your doctor!
• Keep all of your appointments. Every doctor’s appointment is important!
• Think about questions to ask your doctor and write them down before your visits.

Listen to your doctor! It’s important to follow your doctor’s advice.

If your child is sick If you think your child is sick, phone his doctor right away. If you don’t have a doctor, take him to Urgent Care or the ER. Don’t wait for his checkup appointment.

Is your child on WIC? If your child is a WIC participant, you can talk to your WIC educator about your child’s checkups. She will answer any questions you may have.

You will receive pamphlets and flyers about children during your WIC visits. These will help you learn more about nutrition, how children behave and how they grow.

You will be able to attend parent sessions, where you meet other parents. Our parent sessions cover a variety of topics, including healthy foods, healthy drinks, picky eaters and others.

If your child has a health problem, your WIC educator may refer you to a WIC nutritionist.

Read about WIC eligibility here>>