Shots for your child

Shots Shots are also called immunizations and vaccinations. When children receive their shots, vaccine in the shots protects them.

Shots are important! Shots protect your child from many dangerous diseases. These diseases can cause brain damage, pneumonia, paralysis, cancer and even death.

From baby, to toddler, to child When does your child need shots? Your child should have received her first shots when she was a baby and a toddler. These are called primary shots. Your toddler needed to complete all her primary shots.

Which shots? Your child already received immunizations to protect her from 15 childhood diseases. These diseases are: diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis A & B, Hib meningitis, polio, pneumococcal disease, chicken pox, rotavirus diarrhea, and the flu.

Now your child is ready for her booster shots.

Booster shots Your child will need some of these immunizations again, because the protection will have worn off. A booster shot contains another dose of the same vaccine your child received when she was a baby or toddler. You can make sure your child stays protected with booster shots.

It’s not too late! Your child will receive her booster shots before she starts kindergarten, sometime between the ages of 4 and 6 years. If she gets behind and misses some of her shots, it’s not too late. She can still receive the shots she needs.

Children should receive these booster shots: MMR (measles, mumps, rubella), Varicella (chicken pox), DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis) and polio.

A flu shot every year Your child needs a flu shot every year. The flu shots are available during flu season, which is September through about April.

Are shots safe? Yes they are! The vaccines used in the United States are the safest they’ve ever been.

Every vaccine that is approved has been tested for at least 7 years by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Even after a vaccine is approved, the FDA continues to watch for any problems.

Side effects Vaccines are like other medications. They can cause side effects. Most side effects are mild. Babies, toddlers and children sometimes feel sore or have a slight rash or a mild fever after they are vaccinated. Talk with your doctor if you are concerned about shots.

Today! Talk with your doctor today to make sure your child is on track for her shots.

More information Click here to read more about shots for children>>

Are you a WIC parent? WIC will help you stay on track with your child’s shots.

Soon after you enroll your child in WIC, a WIC educator will give you information about shots. And she will give you a schedule that shows when your child needs to get her shots.

A WIC educator will ask you to bring your child’s immunization record to certain appointments. She will review your child’s record and tell you if she is missing any shots. She may also give you a list of clinics that provide free shots for children.

Ask about free shots! WIC does not provide shots. But sometimes another organization visits a few of our WIC sites and provides free shots to babies, children and even teenagers if their parents don’t have health insurance. Ask your WIC educator for more information.